" Precipitate is an emotionally powerful performance to witness, with imagery and emotional vignettes within it that are brave, poignant, and relevant. As an audience member, I left feeling charged to acknowledge and reflect on the pressures of female-gendered performance and the female body, and our complicity/expectations thereof." - Jon Reimer (San Diego Reader)
Precipitate is a performance installation comprised of two interwoven solo works: Pleasant Beast & Knot Knowing. Pleasant Beast explores our animal nature, our supposed civilized being and the modern mythologies that live somewhere in between. Knot Knowing navigates the territory of the body and the act of gazing. Can we dispel the mystery of the human body while maintaining reverence for it?
Performers Anne Gehman and Erin Tracy forge space together in a world where women supporting each other is a surprising and subversive act.
Precipitate premiered at Live Arts Fest 2016 and was shown at UCSD Molli and Arthur Wagner Studio 3.
Choreography & Performance by
Anne Gehman & Erin Tracy
Text Kristin Idaszak
Sound Design Steven Leffue
Scenic Design Anna Robinson & Mathew Herman
Lighting Design Chao-Yu Tsai
Photos by Jim Carmody